martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Water Dictionary, The: A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology

Water Dictionary, The: A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology
Publisher: AWWA (American Water Works Association)
by Nancy McTigue (Editor)
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 2010
Pages: 780 pag.

This unique book provides standardized definitions for more than 15,000 water-related words, phrases, acronyms, chemicals, microorganisms, units of measure, formulas, and calculations. 3,000 entries have been updated in the second edition.
The Water Dictionary has become a standard desk reference for water and wastewater professionals in all disciplines. It contains definitions for words relating to water resources, treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment, geology, hydrology, toxicology, microbiology, engineering, chemistry, regulations, and more. Appendixes include Units of Measure and Table of Conversion Factors.

Work on this second edition has been under way since publication of the Drinking Water Dictionary, compiled and edited by J.M. Symons, L.C. Bradley Jr., and T.C. Cleveland (2000). McTigue brings to the task expertise in water treatment and management gained from a career in research, consulting, and writing. This edition broadens the focus behond drinking water, eliminates the illustrations, and adds appendixes on regulated contaminants and disinfection-by-products. What the editors admit is a glossary rather than a dictionary includes more than 150,000 terms, with 3,000 new eo this edition. It is an admirable body of work, subected to rigorous evaluation by a distinguished technical advisory committee, backed by the reliability of the AWWA brand. It will be useful for academic libraries building comprehensive reference collections in environmental engineering, or as a technical reference in environmental law. Although broa in scope, it may be too technical for, and is not intended for, small or medium-size undergraduate print reference collectiions. Justifying the investment in a print resource when space and budgets are tight may be difficult, and this dictionary might have a greater value to undergraduates as an electronic product, accustomed as students are to finding reference information online. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-level undergraduates through professionals/practitioners.

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