martes, 6 de enero de 2015

ASTM Annual Books Standards 2015 - Section N° 6 Paints

ASTM Annual Books Standards 2015 - 
Section N° 6 Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics
Volume 06.01 Paint—Tests for Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties; Appearance
Volume 06.02 Paint—Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings
Volume 06.03 Paint—Pigments, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles
Volume 06.04 Paint—Solvents; Aromatic Hydrocarbons

ASTM Annual Standards Books 2015:
Section 1 - Iron and Steel Products • Section 2 - Nonferrous Metal Products • Section 3 - Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures • Section 4 – Construction • Section 5 - Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels • Section 6 - Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics • Section 7 – Textiles • Section 8 – Plastics • Section 9 – Rubber • Section 10 - Electrical Insulation and Electronics • Section 11 - Water and Environmental Technology • Section 12 - Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy • Section 13 - Medical Devices and Services • Section 14 - General Methods and Instrumentation • Section 15 - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

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