jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

International Regulatory Resource Manual: North and South America Regional Guide (PDF Download) - Personal Care Products Council

International Regulatory Resource Manual: North and South America Regional Guide (PDF Download) - Personal Care Products Council

The new International Regulatory Resource Manual: North and South America Regional Guide, available only as a PDF Download, is an essential resource for any personal care products company that wants to do business in the global marketplace. From Argentina to Venezuela, the Manual provides an updated overview of the regulatory environment for 23 countries. With more than 180 pages and organized with country-by-country chapters, the publication allows users to easily make comparisons among the countries.

The only “one-stop” reference providing worldwide cosmetic regulations and requirements, the International Regulatory Resource Manual: North and South America Regional Guide is an ideal starting point for individuals new to international cosmetic regulations. It is also an invaluable tool for experienced professionals dealing with legal, regulatory, technical and marketing issues for the industry.

The Manual features fully updated chapters that provide information on:
• the general legal authority that oversees cosmetics in each country;
• legal definitions (e.g., cosmetic, cosmetic-drug, etc.);
• product and establishment registration requirements;
• ingredient restrictions;
• labeling requirements;
• packaging restrictions; and
• contacts and sources of information – addresses, fax numbers, E-mails, and Web sites for
  government agencies, trade associations, professional groups, chambers of commerce,
  publishers, and embassies

• and more.

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