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domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies, 5th Edition - 2015 - ASPH

Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies, 5th Edition - 2015
Author: Lee B. Murdaugh
Publisher: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists - ASHP
Published: 2015
Hardback, 1 volume
Pages: 700 pp.
Product Dimensions: 28.20 cm x 22.00 cm
ISBN: 9781585284023

Since its original publication, Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies has continued to meet the changing needs of pharmacy directors and their staff. The fifth edition is a necessary addition to every pharmacy’s resources.
Newly updated and expanded, Competence Assessment Tools provides practical tools to assess and document an employee's ability to perform assigned duties and meet the human resource requirements of CMS, The Joint Commission, and other accrediting organizations. Save time and increase efficiency with this essential tool that supplements and reinforces staff knowledge in key competency areas. It features an enhanced companion website that allows you to easily adapt many of the forms included in the book for your own practice including the job descriptions and orientation record. It offers updated resources for customizing job descriptions, including job description, competence assessment summary, and performance evaluation templates for a Pharmacy Purchasing Technician.

This edition has many changes and updates to meet current guidelines and new standards, such as the following:
§  10 new competencies created by subject matter experts
§  A crosswalk guide identifying competencies appropriate for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
§  Updated competencies on compounding sterile preparations and compounding hazardous drugs to reflect current USP requirements and the addition of study guides
§  Expanded information on the revised Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard
§  Updated information about safe injection practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
§  Updated confidentiality and patients’ rights chapter to reflect current legislation
§  Updated pharmaceutical care competencies to reflect current practice

All-new chapters in the fifth edition include:
§  Aminoglycoside dosing
§  Educating the pharmacy staff
§  Parenteral anticoagulant therapy
§  Oral anticoagulant therapy
§  Medication dosing in hepatic dysfunction
§  Compounding nonsterile preparations
§  Four chapters specific to pharmacy technicians on age-specific competencies

In addition to helping pharmacy directors and staff provide more informed patient care and meet The Joint Commission accreditation standards, the new fifth edition gives you peace of mind that your pharmacy has access to the most up-to-date resources available.

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