AATCC Technical Manual 2015
Author: American
Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)
probably best known for its standardized test methods and evaluation
procedures, compiled in the annual AATCC Technical Manual. Each test method is
designated by a number followed by a date, which indicates the year in which
the method was issued, last revised, or reaffirmed. The designation should be
quoted in full in referring to a particular method.
important feature of all AATCC test methods is that test results are
numerically quantified as opposed to being reported as pass-fail. Test results
are the basis for describing material or process characteristics that are not
in themselves intended to be performance specifications.
policy prohibits endorsement of such specifications. Buyer and seller, or
regulatory bodies, may establish pass-fail specifications based on the results
of AATCC test methods.
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