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martes, 20 de enero de 2015


edited by Quanyun A. Xu
Editorial: Pharmaceutical Press & American Pharmacists Association (APha)
Páginas: 912
Año: 2008
Edición: 3era Edición
Presentación: Encuadernado
País de Procedencia: Inglaterra

Publicación Técnica y Científica para los profesionales en el campo de la ciencia farmacéutica en general. los analistas que participan en la evaluación de la estabilidad del fármaco, departamento de desarrollo, Control de Calidad, Regulación de Medicamentos, Académicos y profesionales relacionados al sector farmacéutico.

Stability-Indicating HPLC Methods for Drug Analysis, third edition, is structured a series of monographs on 572 different drug entities, including 96 new in this edition. These monographs have been prepared from 851 published references and present 1,028 stability-indicating HPLC analytical methods. The information that is presented in the monographs has been gathered from the published literature and is summarized in a structured textual format composed of 30 elements.
In depth description of the HPLC analysis presented in original publication.

The first series of monograph elements were obtained from standard reference works. This information in the basic information analyst may find useful in analyzing various drug products. The information presented includes:

1. Chemical name (s)
2. Molecular structure
3. Other name (s)
4. Form (s) of the drug molecule available in drug products
5. Molecular formula
6. Molecular weight
7. CAS number
8. Appearance and description
9. solubility’s
10. pKa values

The Basic information in followed by one or more summaries of previously published stability – indicating analytical, methods. The summaries follow a highly structured ext format. Each of the informational items that follow is included when presented in the original published articles.
The reader should recognize that all too often one or more pieces of information were omitted in the original work and, consequently, do not appear in this compilation. However, the summaries have been made as complete as possible from the original published articles.

The first section of the method summary includes the following information:

11. Individual (s) who developed or published the method
12. Drug, salt form (if applicable), and presentation that was analyzed
13. Description of analytical system components
14. Description of column
15. Mobile phase composition and flow rate
16. Detection wavelength and sensitivity
17. Internal standard (if present)

The second section of the method includes:
18. Standard solution preparation
19. Sample preparation (dilution, extraction, derivatization, etc.)
20. Injection volume
21. Retention times for subject drug, secondary drug (s), and internal standard

The third section of the summary describes the demonstration of the Stability indicating nature of the method. The description includes:
22. The decomposition techniques and/or sample spiking that was used
23. Absence of interference of decomposition product with intact drug
24. Retention times for intact drug and degradation product.

The fourth section of the method summary includes the following Information:
25. Concentration range of the standard curve
26. Correlation coefficient and linearity
27. Coefficient of variation of the assay
28. Intraday and intraday coefficients of variation of the samples
29. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation.

And lastly, the source of the method is presented:
30. Reference (s)

The reference (s) form the published literature that utilized the particular method provides proper attribution and allows readers to more easily refer to the original work if that would be useful.

It has always seemed to us that the best starting point in identifying a suitable stability-indicating analytical method is from methods that have previously been shown to be stability indicating in studies by other researchers. Of course, finding an analytical method in the literature that has been found to be stability indicating in a previous study does not preclude the need to evaluate the methods in the analyst’s hands. The analyst is still obligated to assure the adequacy of the methods for specificity, precision, reproducibility, and sensitivity. Furthermore, the methods must be shown to separate and quantify the intact drug in the presence of its decomposition products and other dosage form components. However, this task of finding a suitable methods and documenting that it is both stability indicating and is functioning properly in one’s own laboratory is aided when the analyst start with a methods that has been shown by other to be stability indicating.

Analysis must also be aware that the presentation of a stability-indicating analytical method in the literature does not absolve them of the method in their own laboratory. The analysis still must determine fundamental performance parameters of the method including sensitivity, precision, reproducibility, and accuracy. Also, the stability-indicating ability of the analyst’s laboratory to demonstrate that the method is working properly. These are more likely to be easily achievable when the method has been shown to work in another analyst’s hands.

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015



Autores:                Néstor Segundo Álvarez Cruz / Ana Julia Bagué Serrano
Editorial:               ECU – Editorial Club Universitario
Páginas:               370
Año de Edic.:       2012
Formato:              17 x 24 cm.
Encuadernación:  Rústica
Idioma:                 Castellano

Manual teórico-práctico cuyo objetivo es guiar a los profesionales a desempeñar una labor propia del farmacéutico. Trata de iniciar al farmacéutico en las diferentes técnicas empleadas así como introducirle en los conocimientos necesarios para encontrar la forma farmacéutica que mejor se adapta al tratamiento de una determinada enfermedad.
Esta obra ha sido realizada por un selecto grupo de profesores de Tecnología Farmacéutica de universidades españolas y portuguesas con base en su experiencia adquirida al enfrentarse a la docencia de esta materia.

Índice de la Obra:
Capitulo I:             La planta. Consideraciones acerca de la influencia de los factores agroclimáticos en su desarrollo
Capitulo II:            Formas farmacéuticas fundamentales. Formas farmacéuticas a partir de plantas frescas
Capitulo III:           Formas dosificadas obtenidas a partir de drogas secas
Capitulo IV:          Producción de droga seca para la producción de extractos
Capitulo V:           Análisis de drogas
Capitulo VI:          Agentes de extracción
Capitulo VII:         Extracción de drogas
Capitulo VIII:        Secado de extractos totales
Capitulo IX:          Obtención de aceites volátiles
Capitulo X:           Aparatos y Maquinaria
Capitulo XI:          Equipamiento para la extracción de drogas secas
Capitulo XII:         Aseguramiento de calidad de los fitofármacos
Capitulo XIII:        Demás procesos de formar terminadas
Referencias y bibliográficas

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Water Dictionary, The: A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology

Water Dictionary, The: A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology
Publisher: AWWA (American Water Works Association)
by Nancy McTigue (Editor)
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 2010
Pages: 780 pag.

This unique book provides standardized definitions for more than 15,000 water-related words, phrases, acronyms, chemicals, microorganisms, units of measure, formulas, and calculations. 3,000 entries have been updated in the second edition.
The Water Dictionary has become a standard desk reference for water and wastewater professionals in all disciplines. It contains definitions for words relating to water resources, treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment, geology, hydrology, toxicology, microbiology, engineering, chemistry, regulations, and more. Appendixes include Units of Measure and Table of Conversion Factors.

Work on this second edition has been under way since publication of the Drinking Water Dictionary, compiled and edited by J.M. Symons, L.C. Bradley Jr., and T.C. Cleveland (2000). McTigue brings to the task expertise in water treatment and management gained from a career in research, consulting, and writing. This edition broadens the focus behond drinking water, eliminates the illustrations, and adds appendixes on regulated contaminants and disinfection-by-products. What the editors admit is a glossary rather than a dictionary includes more than 150,000 terms, with 3,000 new eo this edition. It is an admirable body of work, subected to rigorous evaluation by a distinguished technical advisory committee, backed by the reliability of the AWWA brand. It will be useful for academic libraries building comprehensive reference collections in environmental engineering, or as a technical reference in environmental law. Although broa in scope, it may be too technical for, and is not intended for, small or medium-size undergraduate print reference collectiions. Justifying the investment in a print resource when space and budgets are tight may be difficult, and this dictionary might have a greater value to undergraduates as an electronic product, accustomed as students are to finding reference information online. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-level undergraduates through professionals/practitioners.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater, 22nd Edition - AWWA/APHA/WEF

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater, 22nd Edition
Publisher: APHA (American Public Health Association) / AWWA (American Water Works Association) / WEF (Water Environment Federation)
Author: Eugene W. Rice
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 2012
Pages: 1360 pag.
Dimensions: 22.00 cm. x 28.50 cm.

This 22st edition of Standard Methods sets a new benchmark for completeness and precision of new material and figures. The latest water analysis methodology is provided for domestic and industrial water, wastewater treatment, public health and environmental protection. Each of the methods has been reviewed and endorsed by a large number of qualified water and wastewater professionals, offering the most accurate and consistent procedures. These methods offer scientists, analysts, and engineers a valid and recognized basis for control, evaluation and assistance with regulatory compliance. Also provided is information on quality control, safety issues, waste minimization and disposal, lab apparatus, washing and sanitizing, full color aquatic algae illustrations, and much more. 

With new content and over 40% of the sections updated, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd edition provides methods for measuring the biological, chemical, and physical attributes of waters, and offers guidance for choosing among available methods for specific elements and compounds. Analysts, researchers, and regulators have relied on this peer-reviewed publication since 1905, and it remains a trusted source of accurate, proven methodology for analyzing natural waters, water supplies, and wastewaters.

Analysts, researchers, and regulators have relied on this peer-reviewed publication since 1905, and it remains a trusted source of accurate, proven methodology for analyzing natural waters, water supplies, and wastewaters.

The new 22nd edition advances the science of water analysis with input and consensus of hundreds of water and wastewater experts from around the world. Laboratories worldwide rely on this comprehensive reference as a trusted source of accurate, proven methodology for analysis of water, water supplies, and wastewater. It is the essential resource.

The 22nd edition contains over 400 laboratory methods for the analysis of:

• Dissolved Solids
• Metals
• Free and Total Chlorine
• Odor, Taste, and Flavor Profile Analysis
• Disinfection By-products
• Radionuclides
• Total Organic Carbon
• Total and Fecal Coliform
• The Quality Control for Parts 2000 – 7000 has been expanded and significantly revised to make the methods more suitable for regulatory compliance.
•Twenty-two sections in Part 9000 Microbiological Examination were revised and new procedures added. These include information on viable but nonculturable bacteria, new information on the fluorogenic substrate test for E. coli, and an expansion of the section on identification of iron and sulfur bacteria.
• Flavor Profile Analysis for drinking water was expanded with an extended introduction and new taste-and-odor color wheel.
• The determination of metals using Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) contains updated quality control requirements and added collision cell technology.
• Additional sampling, filtering, and storage requirements were added to UV-Absorbing Organic Constituents.
• New methods have been added for the determination of nitrosamines in drinking water.
• The method for radium was updated.
• The references and bibliography were updated for Part 8000 Toxicity.
• The section on plankton was revised to include more in-depth procedures for collecting and processing samples. 
• New figures were added to Identification of Aquatic Organisms.

The methods in the 22nd edition (as in previous editions) are believed to be the best available, generally accepted procedures for analyzing water, wastewater, and related materials. They represent the recommendations of specialists, ratified by a large number of analysts and others of more general expertise, and as such are truly consensus standards, offering a valid and recognized basis for control and evaluation.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Physical and Aggregate Properties
Chapter 3: Metals
Chapter 4: Inorganic Nonmetallic Constituents
Chapter 5: Aggregate Organic Constituents
Chapter 6: Inspanidual Organic Compounds
Chapter 7: Radioactivity
Chapter 8: Toxicity
Chapter 9: Microbiological Examination
Chapter 10: Biological Examination

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015


Edited by Joseph Koleske.
Publisher: ASTM International
Year Edition: 2012
Pages: 1000 pages
FormatType: Hardcover Book

Country: Estados Unidos

This edition is a valuable guide to the topics, test methods, procedures, and standards of ASTM and other national and international organizations
Having been in the coatings industry for over 30 years, I know how useful the Gardner-Sward Manual can be. For years I have relied on the 14th edition of this fine book to answer many of my paint-testing questions, but a lot has changed in the industry since it was published in 1995. I know a lot of hard work has gone into preparing the new and updated 15th edition, and I am really looking forward to it. Dwight Weldon, President, Weldon Laboratories
79 comprehensive chapters, written by experts in their various fields, reflect the new and updated technologies within the paint and coating industry in the 16 years since the last edition was published. This heavily updated new manual describes briefly and critically most ASTM test methods that are significant in the world of paint technology.
New and updated topics include: measurement of gonioapparent colorants; surfactants; powder coatings; understanding osmotic activity in coatings; coalescing aids; radiation-curable powder coatings and more

New and updated topics include: -Measurement of gonioapparent colorants
-Powder coatings
-Understanding osmotic activity in coatings
-Coalescing aids
-Radiation-curable powder coatings
-And much more!

This edition is a valuable guide to the topics, test methods, procedures, and standards of ASTM and other national and international organizations.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015


ASTM Annual Books Standards 2015
Volume 06.01 Paint—Tests for Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties; Appearance
Volume 06.02 Paint—Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings
Volume 06.03 Paint—Pigments, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles
Volume 06.04 Paint—Solvents; Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Importación y Distribución:

Central: +51 17218760
Mobil: 981570582 • 946512957
Nextel: 51*651*2957



martes, 6 de enero de 2015

ASTM Annual Books Standards 2015 - Section N° 6 Paints

ASTM Annual Books Standards 2015 - 
Section N° 6 Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics
Volume 06.01 Paint—Tests for Chemical, Physical, and Optical Properties; Appearance
Volume 06.02 Paint—Products and Applications; Protective Coatings; Pipeline Coatings
Volume 06.03 Paint—Pigments, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles
Volume 06.04 Paint—Solvents; Aromatic Hydrocarbons

ASTM Annual Standards Books 2015:
Section 1 - Iron and Steel Products • Section 2 - Nonferrous Metal Products • Section 3 - Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures • Section 4 – Construction • Section 5 - Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels • Section 6 - Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics • Section 7 – Textiles • Section 8 – Plastics • Section 9 – Rubber • Section 10 - Electrical Insulation and Electronics • Section 11 - Water and Environmental Technology • Section 12 - Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy • Section 13 - Medical Devices and Services • Section 14 - General Methods and Instrumentation • Section 15 - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


Edited by Joseph Koleske.
Publisher: ASTM International
FormatType: Hardcover Book
ASTM: 2012, 1000 pages

This edition is a valuable guide to the topics, test methods, procedures, and standards of ASTM and other national and international organizations
Having been in the coatings industry for over 30 years, I know how useful the Gardner-Sward Manual can be. For years I have relied on the 14th edition of this fine book to answer many of my paint-testing questions, but a lot has changed in the industry since it was published in 1995. I know a lot of hard work has gone into preparing the new and updated 15th edition, and I am really looking forward to it. Dwight Weldon, President, Weldon Laboratories
79 comprehensive chapters, written by experts in their various fields, reflect the new and updated technologies within the paint and coating industry in the 16 years since the last edition was published. This heavily updated new manual describes briefly and critically most ASTM test methods that are significant in the world of paint technology.
New and updated topics include: measurement of gonioapparent colorants; surfactants; powder coatings; understanding osmotic activity in coatings; coalescing aids; radiation-curable powder coatings and more

New and updated topics include: -Measurement of gonioapparent colorants
-Powder coatings
-Understanding osmotic activity in coatings
-Coalescing aids
-Radiation-curable powder coatings
-And much more!

This edition is a valuable guide to the topics, test methods, procedures, and standards of ASTM and other national and international organizations.

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

MARTINDALE: The Complete Drug Reference, 38 edition

MARTINDALE: The Complete Drug Reference, 38 edition
Autor: Brayfield, Alison
Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press
Edition: Jun 2014
Hardback, 2 volumes
Pages: 4688pp
Product Dimensions: 276 x 219mm

Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference provides reliable, unbiased and evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world. Based on published information and extensively referenced, Martindale develops as the body of knowledge on existing drugs grows. The most clinically relevant and appropriate information is evaluated and selected from reliable published sources.

Unique Benefits:
§  Breadth: No other source has breadth of coverage or level of detail making it the ideal firstline reference work as well as a trusted source of information for more detailed drug enquiries
§  Global coverage: Martindale is the leading resource in terms of international coverage – alternative publications have a narrow regional focus
§  Objectivity: Respected for the accuracy of content and independence from pharmaceutical industry. Based on published information and extensively referenced
§  International adoption: Recognised and adopted worldwide

This package contains two hardback volumes presented in a slipcase with:
§  Over 6,000 (and over 7,000 online) drug monographs
§  Over 180,000 (and over 240,000 online) preparations
§  Over 54,000 reference citations
§  About 20,000 (and 25,000 online) manufacturers and distributors
§  Proprietary preparations from 43 countries and regions
§  Nearly 700 disease reviews, with references from the published literature
§  Information to enable identification of medicines, the local equivalent and the manufacturer
§  Herbals, diagnostic agents, radiopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical excipients, toxins, and poisons as well as drugs and medicines.

Improvements to the 38th edition of Martindale include:
§  Pages completely redesigned to improve readability
§  Layout of the monographs restructured with greater prominence to uses and administration
§  Over 200 new monographs
§  Increased coverage of proprietary preparations – now covers 43 countries and regions, including China
§  Porphyria abstracts extensively revised

Ejemplo de Contenido: