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martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


By ASHP - American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Reviewed by over 500 experts
Pages: 3822 pages;
Edition: 2015
Format: paperback
ISBN: 978-1-58528-418-4

With extensive updated information on everything from treatment of hypertension to HIV, AHFS Drug Information®, 2015 Edition is a necessary addition to your pharmacy’s resources.
It contains nearly 85,000 total references and is reviewed by over 500 professionals, helping you to protect your patients and your business. The only print compendium designated by the U.S. Congress, AHFS DI 2015 is also the only reference published by a professional and scientific society - ensuring it is the most authoritative and best-selling reference trusted by pharmacists for 57 years.

AHFS DI contains the most trustworthy drug information available - all in one place. It is the most comprehensive evidence-based source of drug information complete with therapeutic guidelines and off-label uses.

Updates for this edition include:
  • Expanded and revised content throughout, featuring critical new  monograph updates every year
  • Important updated monographs and references related to revised therapeutic guidelines, including recommendations for the treatment of hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and HIV infections
  • Newly published information on breakthrough oncology drugs recently approved as part of the FDA’s accelerated approval program
  • Dedicated coverage to orphan products
  • Interactions, adverse reactions, cautions, and more
  • Therapeutic recommendations supported by evidence from primary research
  • Preparations, chemistry, and stability
  • Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics
  • Prescription, OTC, ophthalmic and dermatologic drugs
  • Extensive off-label uses and dosing options
  • Vaccines and other immunizing agents.


lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

Wiley GAAP 2014: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Wiley GAAP 2014: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
by Joanne M. Flood
Paperback: 1460 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 12 edition
Publications date: 2013
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1118734322

The most practical, authoritative guide to GAAP Wiley GAAP 2014 contains complete coverage of all levels of GAAP, indexed to the ASC. Wiley GAAP renders GAAP more understandable and accessible for research, and has been designed to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to solve accounting research issues. Providing interpretive guidance and a wealth of real-world, content-rich examples and illustrations, this invaluable guide offers clear, user-friendly guidance on every pronouncement including FASB Technical Bulletins, AcSEC Practice Bulletins, FASB Implementation Guides, AICPA Statements of Position, and AICPA Accounting Interpretations. Offers insight into the application of complex financial reporting rules Contains detailed index for easy reference use Includes a comprehensive cross-reference of accounting topics to the FASB codification system With easy-to-access information, this reliable resource offers complete coverage of the entire GAAP hierarchy.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 95th Edition

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 95th Edition
by CRC Press
Editor(s):William M. Haynes
Hardcover: 2704 pages
Edition: 2014
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1482208672
Proudly serving the scientific community for over a century, this 95th edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is an update of a classic reference, mirroring the growth and direction of science. This venerable work continues to be the most accessed and respected scientific reference in the world. An authoritative resource consisting of tables of data and current international recommendations on nomenclature, symbols, and units, its usefulness spans not only the physical sciences but also related areas of biology, geology, and environmental science.

The 95th Edition of the Handbook includes 22 new tables and major updates and expansions. A new series highlighting the achievements of some of the major historical figures in chemistry and physics was initiated with the 94th edition. This series is continued with this edition, which is focused on Galileo Galilei, James Clerk Maxwell, Marie Sklodowska Curie, and Linus Carl Pauling. This series, which provides biographical information, a list of major achievements, and notable quotations attributed to each of the renowned chemists and physicists, will be continued in succeeding editions. Each edition will feature two chemists and two physicists.

Available in traditional print format, as an eBook, and online, this reference puts physical property data and mathematical formulas used in labs and classrooms every day within easy reach.

New tables:

Section 8: Analytical Chemistry

Figures of Merit
Common Symbols Used in Gas and Liquid Chromatographic Schematic Diagrams
Varieties of Hyphenated Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry
Section 15: Practical Laboratory Data
Standard Fittings for Compressed Gas Cylinders
Plug and Outlet Configurations for Common Laboratory Devices
Section 16: Health and Safety Information

Abbreviations Used in the Assessment and Presentation of Laboratory Hazards
Incompatible Chemicals
Explosion (Shock) Hazards
Water-Reactive Chemicals
Testing Requirements for Peroxidizable Compounds
Tests for the Presence of Peroxides
Pyrophoric Compounds - Compounds That Are Reactive with Air
Flammability Hazards of Common Solvents
Selection of Laboratory Gloves
Selection of Respirator Cartridges and Filters
Selection of Protective Laboratory Garments
Protective Clothing Levels
Chemical Fume Hoods and Biological Safety Cabinets
Gas Cylinder Safety and Stamped Markings
Laser Hazards in the Laboratory
General Characteristics of Ionizing Radiation for the Purpose of Practical Application of Radiation Protection

Radiation Safety Units



USP 37 - NF 32 in 4 Volumens

The USP-NF is a combination of two official compendia, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). The USP-NF contains standards for medicines, dosage forms, drug substances, excipients, biologics, compounded preparations, medical devices, dietary supplements, and other therapeutics. The current version of USP-NF standards deemed official by USP are enforceable by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for medicines manufactured and marketed in the United States.

Key features
USP 37-NF 32 will feature more than 4,700 monographs and over 270 general chapters, eight of which are new or revised.

More than 100 new or revised monographs, including 50 that are newly modernized including:
Porosity by Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption
Vitamin A Assay
Vitamin D Assay
Water Conductivity
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

The USP 37-NF 32 is officially applicable from 1 May. It includes a 4-volume print main edition and two separate print supplements. Printed on thick, durable paper stock, for laboratory and manufacturing use. Each volume contains a complete table of contents and index. Shipped in a convenient slipcase for easy access and storage.



NIIF - Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera
Manual Completo de Adopción de IFRS (Full IFRS)
con Ejercicios Prácticos y Estudios de Casos
Frecuentemente Encontrados en la Práctica

La Introducción de las NIIFs en más de 120 países en el mundo representó un gran desafío a los contadores, auditores internos y externos, autoridades fiscales y usuarios de los estados financieros de las entidades listadas, instituciones financieras y compañías de seguros en el mundo. El desafío es justamente entender las principales diferencias en el tratamiento contable de los diversos elementos de los estados financieros comparado con las normas locales de contabilidad, además de la gran cantidad de exenciones y elecciones de políticas contables que las entidades que adoptan las NIIFs pueden aprovechar.

Además, hay una gran cantidad de informaciones financieras prospectivas, de gestión y elementos sobre gestión de riesgos que aún no se consideraban en las prácticas contables anteriores a su adopción. Las NIIFs seguramente ofrecieron mayor transparencia sobre esos importantes elementos de riesgo.

En consecuencia, todos los profesionales del área contable o que estén directamente involucrados en el análisis de los balances de las empresas que adoptan las NIIFs deben actualizarse y comprobar que tienen conocimientos sobre los elementos básicos de esta norma. El enorme número de profesionales, contadores y analistas contables de pequeñas
y medianas empresas de contabilidad indica que esos profesionales deben certificarse y actualizarse rápidamente para acompañar esa nueva tendencia de mercado y evolución de IFRS para atender a ese segmento de forma eficiente.

Esta obra pionera se destaca en el mercado por diversos factores:

- Obra considerada como referencia para el segmento de libros técnicos sobre las NIIFs;
- Gran cantidad de ejercicios y casos prácticos para ilustrar las diferencias e importantes
- Incluye virtualmente todas las NIIFs en un orden lógico;
- El libro puede utilizarse como material de consulta de forma objetiva y práctica con fácil
indexación por tema;
- Incluye comentarios relevantes sobre dificultades en la adopción de las NIIFs
- Incluye las respuestas de los ejercicios ;
- Obra más vendida dpara los países que tienen el español como idioma principal;
- Incluye otros elementos críticos.

Paperback: 498 Pages
Publisher: Watson Publishers Limited
Author: International Association of Certified Accountants and Financial Managers (IACAFM)
Language: Spanish / Español
ISBN-13: 978-1-908514-39-4

Product Dimensions: 170 x 245 mm

NIIF para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidades (NIIF para PYMEs)
Manual de Comparación con las NIIFs Completas (Full IFRS)

Después de algunos años de discusión, el 2009 IASB finalizó su proyecto denominado "NIIF para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidades - PYMEs". La introducción de esta norma ha traído un gran desafío para los contadores, auditores internos y externos, autoridades fiscales y usuarios de los estados financieros de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. El desafío es justamente entender las principales diferencias en el tratamiento contable de los diversos elementos de los estados financieros comparado con las NIIFs (ampliamente conocido como IFRS Full), así como la gran cantidad de exenciones que las pequeñas y medianas empresas pueden aprovechar cuando adoptan la norma elaborada para Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas.

En consecuencia, todos los profesionales de la contabilidad o que estén directamente involucrados en el análisis de los balances de las pequeñas y medianas empresas actualizarse y comprobar que tienen conocimientos sobre los elementos básicos de esta norma. El enorme número de profesionales, contadores y analistas contables de pequeñas y medianas empresas de contabilidad indica que esos profesionales deben certificarse y actualizarse para acompañar esa nueva tendencia de mercado y evolución de las NIIFs para atender a ese segmento de forma eficiente.

- Obra considerada como uno de los 1 Best Sellers en el medio académico y profesional
- Obra más vendida de las NIIFs para los países que tienen el español como idioma principal para el tema

Esta obra pionera se destaca en el mercado por diversos factores:
- Comparación eficaz y objetiva de la NIIF para las PYMEs con las normas completas de las NIIFs (IFRS Full);
- Obra considerada como referencia para el segmento de libros técnicos sobre las NIIFs;
- Gran cantidad de ejercicios y casos prácticos para ilustrar las diferencias e importantes elementos;
- Incluye virtualmente todas las NIIFs en un orden lógico;
- Incluye las respuestas de los ejercicios;
- El libro puede utilizarse como material de consulta de forma objetiva y práctica con fácil indexación por tema;
- Incluye comentarios relevantes sobre complejidades en la adopción de la NIIF para PYMEs;
- Incluye otros elementos críticos.

Paperback: 510 Pages
Publisher: Watson Publishers Limited
Author: International Association of Certified Accountants and Financial Managers (IACAFM)
Language: Spanish / Español
ISBN-13: 978-1-908514-42-4
Product Dimensions: 170 x 245 mm

US GAAP/ NIIF Manual Completo de Comparación

Actualizado con la Nueva Codificación de IASB e incluye normas relevantes de evaluación y divulgación para SEC Registrants, Foreign Private Issuers-FPIs y First-Time Adopters (FTAs) de las NIIFs .

Esta guía completa publicada por Watson ofrece una excelente orientación y clareza para aplicaciones prácticas y entendimiento de las principales diferencias entre las NIIFs y US GAAP (Prácticas Generalmente Aceptadas de Contabilidad en EE.UU.). Este libro ofrece aplicación práctica para conceptos complejos de US GAAP e las NIIFs en una variedad de situaciones que pueden ocurrir en la práctica. Como resultado, simplifica la aplicación de las NIIFs e interpretaciones específicas para situaciones del mundo real.

-El libro se divide en grandes áreas de la contabilidad;
-Tiene un enfoque práctico para ilustrar las principales diferencias de GAAP que usted necesita saber para realizar su proyecto de conversión a IFRS de forma exitosa;
-Se ahorra tiempo al ir directamente al asunto, entendiendo las principales diferencias de forma objetiva y concisa;
- Incluye requisitos de evaluación / divulgación de entidades registradas en US SEC;
- Puede utilizarse como una guía de referencia rápida de US GAAP, que reforzará su comprensión para todas las situaciones que pueden ocurrir en la práctica;
-Presenta orientación simple sobre interpretación y aplicación de las normas de US GAAP;
-Formateado según la nueva codificación de US GAAP de FASB;
- Obra considerada como uno de los 1 Best Sellers en el medio académico y profesional;
- Obra más vendida para los países que tienen el español como idioma principal;
- Incluye diversos comentarios sobre divulgaciones críticas requeridas en US GAAP e NIIFs.

Usted encontrará prácticamente todos los aspectos relevantes o tratamientos contables que necesita
saber para aplicar las NIIFs utilizando US GAAP como referencia para garantizar que su empresa
aplique los principales conceptos sin pasar por grandes ajustes o diferencias de forma objetiva.

Considerada una guía indispensable de referencia técnica para países de idioma español.

Paperback: 686 Pages
Publisher: Watson Publishers Limited
Author: International Association of Certified Accountants and Financial Managers (IACAFM)
Language: Spanish / Español
ISBN-13: 978-1-908514-48-6
Product Dimensions: 170 x 245 mm

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

The British Pharmacopoeia 2015 in 6 Volumens

The British Pharmacopoeia 2015 in 6 Volumens
Print, Online and USB Key Edition includes

Author: British Pharmacopoeia Commission 
Publisher: TSO (The Stationery Office)

  • A six-volume printed edition, including a single volume of the BP (Veterinary) 2015
  • A single-user USB download key*
  • A single-user licence to the online edition*

*These single-user licences are granted solely to the designated holder of the product within an organisation.

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) 2015 marks the 150th Anniversary of setting quality standards for medicines and medicinal products in the UK. To celebrate this sesquicentenary year, each copy of the BP 2015 includes a complimentary, commemorative digital facsimile of the BP 1864 – the first edition. This edition also sees the introduction of a USB download format which replaces the CD-ROM.

Updated annually, the BP is the official, authoritative collection of standards for UK medicinal substances for human and veterinary use.
The BP 2015 includes almost 3,500 monographs which are legally enforced by the Human Medicines Regulations 2012, and becomes legally effective on 1 January 2015. Where a pharmacopoeial monograph exists, medicinal products sold or supplied in the UK must comply with the relevant monograph. All monographs and requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia are also reproduced in the BP.

New for 2015:
ü  Legally effective from 1 January 2015
ü  39 new BP monographs
ü  144 amended monographs
ü  One new BP Supplementary Chapter
ü  All European Pharmacopoeia monographs integrated (8th Edition as amended by Supplements 8.1 and 8.2)
ü  Three in-year updates to harmonise with the European Pharmacopoeia Supplements 8.3 to 8.5
ü  USB download format

ü  Complimentary 150th Anniversary USB containing a digital facsimile of the BP 1864

Britsh Pharmacopoeia 2015

 Britsh Pharmacopoeia Veterinary 2015


NIIF 2014- IFRS en 2 Tomos

Autor: International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Edición:  2014 en 2 Volúmenes
Páginas en Total: 4,352 páginas aprox.
Parte A: 1,664 pág. • Parte B: 2,688
Libro Impreso en Inglaterra y en Idioma en Español


Parte A (los requerimientos) contiene la última versión de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (NIC), e Interpretaciones CINIIF y SIC

Parte B contiene los documentos complementarios, tales como ejemplos ilustrativos, guías de implementación, fundamentos de las conclusiones y opiniones en contrario. Esta edición no contiene aquellos documentos que estén siendo reemplazados o derogados pero que se mantienen aplicables si la entidad que informa elige no adoptar las nuevas versiones de forma anticipada.


THE MERCK INDEX An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals - 15 edition

An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals
Publisher: The Royal Society of Chemistry 
ISBN: 978-1-84973-670-1
Copyright: 2013
Format: Hardback
Pags.: 2708
Edition Number:  15

The Merck Index is the definitive reference work for all scholarly and professional chemists, biochemists, pharmacists and toxicologists and of interest to students, teachers, academic libraries, academic researchers, information professionals, solicitors, journalists and government agencies, scientists and professionals looking for authoritative information on chemicals, drugs and biologicals.

The Merck Index contains over 10,000 monographs with information relating to compounds of significance in research, commerce and environmental impact. The 15th edition, available from Royal Society of Chemistry publishing for the first time, is fully revised and updated and contains over 500 new monographs. Over 35% of the existing entries have been updated since the last edition, molecular weights have been recalculated with the latest IUPAC standards and there are revised periodic table and atomic weight tables.

The new 15th edition is available exclusively from the Royal Society of Chemistry and includes:
1. Over 500 new monographs and over 1,000 new structures 
2. Over 35% of existing content updated
3. Molecular weights re-calculated with the latest IUPAC standards
4. New table showing non-proprietary name stems
5. Revised Periodic Table and Atomic Weight Tables


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MANUAL OF ACCOUNTING 2014 in 3 Volumens

Manual of Accounting IFRS 2014 
for by PricewaterhouseCoopers in 3 Volumens
Author / Editor by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Pages: 4274 pages
ISBN 978 1 78043 306 6
Availability: In print

This is the definitive guide to IFRS for those reporting outside of the UK. It provides practical guidance on the interpretation and application of all IFRSs issued by the IASB, and contains practical worked examples and extracts from company reports as well as model IFRS financial statements, which help to illustrate the explanations.

This pack comprises the following 3 volumes:

This is the definitive guide to IFRS for those reporting outside of the UK. It provides practical guidance on the interpretation and application of all IFRSs issued by the IASB, and contains practical worked examples and extracts from company reports as well as model IFRS financial statements, which help to illustrate the explanations.

Manual of Accounting IFRS 2014 Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (9781780433042)
Key updates from previous edition include:

·         Updated guidance on:
·         IASB's annual improvements 2011 effective 1 January 2013; and
·         Standards, amendments and interpretations effective 1 January 2013 including IFRS 7, IAS 19 (revised), IAS 27 (revised), IAS 28 (revised), IFRS 10, 11, 12, 13 and IFRIC 20; and amendments to IAS 1, IFRS 1, 10, 11, 12;
·         New chapters on investment entities and separate financial statements;
·         New and updated illustrative examples.

Illustrative IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements for 2013 year ends (9781780432588)
The financial statements of a fictional entity have been updated to illustrate the disclosure and presentation requirements of the IFRS standards and interpretations for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2013. Areas in which presentation has changed significantly since 2012 are highlighted. Significant changes include the application of IFRSs 10, 11, 12 and 13 together with IAS 19 and the IAS 1 presentation changes to Other Comprehensive Income. It also includes appendices providing illustrative financial statements relating to:
·         Alternative presentation of cash flows and statement of comprehensive income;
·         Biological assets;
·         Oil and gas exploration assets;
·         Current and forthcoming requirements.

Please note, guidance on financial instruments (previously available in the separate title Manual of accounting - Financial instruments) is now incorporated into Manual of accounting IFRS 2014 Vol. 1.

The new Manual of accounting IFRS 2014 pack contains:
·         Guidance on standards applicable to December 2014 year ends
·         Updated guidance to take into account IASB's annual improvements and amendments to standards
·         New extracts and examples

With input from over 100 members of PwC's Global Accounting Consulting Services authoring team, it provides extensive insight based on PwC's IFRS experience around the world.

In North America, Manual of Accounting IFRS Pack is of relevance to Canada, which has adopted IFRS accounting standards, but not to the US, which uses US GAAP.